Security in Imo State: Gunmen kidnap popular Imo monarch,Ohiri,cousin

The immediate past chairman of the Imo State Council of Traditional rulers,Eze Samule Ohiri popularly known as Eze Imo has been abducted by gunmen at the early hours of Saturday.

A reliable source who disclosed the incident to our correspondent said the revered royal father was abducted alongside his cousin, Solomon Ohiri who just returned from the United States of America at the entrance of his country home in Orodo in Mbaitoli Local Government Area of Imo State, Saturday Sun reports.Ezoic

According to the source, the victims were returning from a shopping in Owerri and were just about entring their gate when some heavily armed men in a Highlander vehicle blocked them and ordered them to come out from their vehicle.

“Yes, I can tell you that the report you heard is true. Eze Ohiri was in company of his cousin Solomon who just came back from America when the gunmen attacked them.Ezoic

“They came in a Highlander vehicle,The Eze and his cousin were just returning from a shopping in Owerri when the hoodlums waylaid them at the entrance of the palace.

“They pointed their gun at them and ordered both of them to come down and eventually abducted both of them to an unknown destination, ”the source narrated.

When the State Police spokesperson, Henry Okoye was contacted on phone,he was not available to pick his call.

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