Residents of Umudimkwa community, Nnewi count their blessings, receive free medicare courtesy of Us- based philanthropists


A US-based couple from Umudimkwa in Nnewi North Local Government Area, Anambra State, Mr and Princess Mrs Onyeka Osakwe, has shown concern about the health status of residents of the  community  through free medical outreach.

The medical outreach which was held on December 28, 2023 at Onyeka Osakwe’s compound was fully attended by both the aged and young people of Umudimkwa community.

Speaking with journalists, the organizer of the medical outreach, Princess Ginika Osakwe, a nurse by profession said that the programme was to sensitize her people on the need to take care of themselves and to see doctors for medical checkup as often as possible.

She advised them not to wait for them to be critically down before going to hospital, saying that they should be mindful of heart problem which she described as a silent killer.

Princess Osakwe revealed that she inherited act of charity from her parents, disclosing that her mother was a nurse.

“My mother taught me first aid and others when I was young, that was when I developed passion in nursing. Apart from medicare, we have been helping people and less privileged children to complete their education.

“Approximately, we planned to attend to 300 to 500 patients and if the sickness is critical, we will refer them to doctors, “she noted.

She said they had enough drugs for the people and medical equipment to diagnose them to know their health status before administering drugs if the condition was minor.

She also disclosed that there were consultants that could be involved, if the condition of the patient was critical.

Princess Osakwe advised the beneficiaries to be mindful of genetic sicknesses like diabetes and hypertension which she said needed good management.

She told them to be mindful of what they take and shun the intake of imported drinks including excessive intake of alcohol.

Princess Osakwe said that eating healthy and drinking enough water would help to reduce the risk of being sick. She also advised them to exercise always; trek if possible describing it is medicinal.

 A friend of the Osakwe’s family, Dr Uchenna Ezeagu in an interview said that God had blessed the couple and they had been helping the entire community each time they were around.

He advised the well-to-do in society to use their resources to help the less privileged and vulnerable people, adding that as long as they helped that they would never lack.

He encouraged the family to continue in their charity work which he said God would always reward, saying that their children were watching to emulate their footsteps.

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