N/Assembly House Committee on Health Institutions visits NAUTH, commends CMD for projects execution

House of Representatives Committee on Health Institutions has expressed satisfaction at the level of development of the Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital (NAUTH)’s permanent site, Anambra State.

The House Committee with Hon Amos Magaji as Chairman made the commendation when it visited completed and ongoing projects at the permanent site on Tuesday.

Hon Magaji, on behalf of his members, after going round the site said that the developmental efforts of the Chief Medical Director (CMD) of NAUTH, Prof Joseph Ugboaja were quite visible and commendable.

“We have come to see what you’re doing here as part of our oversight functions. 

“The primary objective of this visit is our constitutional mandate, to look at the projects executed from the 2022 and 2023 Appropriations.

“Everybody sees that the developmental efforts here are visible. You can see that the planning is done very well. They are actually doing very well. I’m impressed with what we have seen. I didn’t know that this place is this big and the quantum of work he (the CMD) has done is actually impressive.

“One of the reasons we’re here is to see how the House can further help for more progress. We’re here also to look at other gaps, to see if there are needs for further intervention, to appropriate more funds for projects. That’s why we’re here, “Hon Magaji said.

He disclosed that the committee had a meeting with the CMD and his management team where he said the members (lawmakers) highlighted the areas to concentrate more.

Hon Magaji said the committee members were happy for a warm reception given them. He advised workers of NAUTH community to continue to work as a team where everyone should play a significant role for the overall interest and growth of the health institution.

Earlier, the House members had visited the traditional ruler of Nnewi, Igwe Kenneth Orizu III where they received royal blessings after being addressed by the monarch who saw the visit as a sign of good things to come.

Prof Ugboaja had introduced the visitors to Igwe Orizu III and his cabinet members as well as the Obis who also received them warmly.

“They have come to see what we’re doing and they decided to visit you as a way of respect.

“I have told them all you have been doing, assisting us to ensure the progress of the health institution. I told them that you were instrumental to the establishment of the hospital and I told them about Igwe Orizu Information and Communication Technology (ICT) centre which you brought to the permanent site, “Prof Ugboaja said.

Prof Ugboaja had also earlier expressed gratitude to the visiting lawmakers and reiterated his resolve to make the Teaching Hospital among the best of its kind in the country with the resources made available to him.

The entire NAUTH management staff were present during the visit including the Chairman, Medical and Advisory Committee (CMAC), Prof Ugochukwu Ezejiofor; Chief of Staff to the CMD, Mr Jackson Njoku MLS; the Head, Corporate Affairs Dept., Mrs Chinyere Onwuka, among others.

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