On Fr. Oluoma, the subtle Theologian

By Val Obienyem

I just finished listening to Fr. John Chineye Oluoma’s teaching titled “I Believe in Miracles.” It is clear that Fr. Oluoma is angered by the bastardization of the Church through the actions of most self-ordained pastors. Unfortunately, some Catholic Priests have also joined them. His teachings always indict them, yet he does so masterfully without offending other denominations, even when denouncing them.

Fr. Oluoma, like most of us, has carved a niche for himself by consistently helping people discover the lies propagated by those pastors. He speaks on a wide range of theological issues, infusing his discussions with warmth, feeling, and contemporary examples that appeal to both faith and reason.

His presence in the theological arena is refreshing, as he adeptly fells heresies, counters critics, answers objections, and effortlessly resolves difficult theological questions. Fr. Oluoma is ripe for study and deserves to be written about in theological projects by students. I admire his work and plan to devote time to writing a full article about him.

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