Mother’s Sunday: Let Blessed Virgin Mary be your role model, stop leading your children astray-Iyom Onwuzuluora

Iyom Oby Onwuzuluora

By Polycarp Ifeanyi, Onitsha

As Catholic women folk under the aegis of Catholic Women Organization (C. W. O) are preparing to celebrate Mother’s Sunday, the Parish President of Catholic Women Organization (C. W. O) St. Mary’s Catholic Church Odo-rubber, Iyiom Oby Onwuzuluora has advised mothers to use the opportunity to evaluate their lives.

Decency, as she fondly called, in a chat with newsmen in Onitsha also enjoined women to desist from appearing immodest and emulate Blessed Virgin Mary in all ramifications.
 Oby Onwuzuluora who is a member of prestigious Catholic women group ” Iyom Jesus”  expressed worry over rampant immoral behaviors among women most especially married women, saying that some women have abused motherhood in quest for wealth and fame.
She further reminded C W O members their popular slogan ” Through Our Mother Mary, We see Jesus..”, wondering why some mothers still indulge in all sorts of immoralities.

”  It is painful that some mothers have actually lost their woman dignity. The most annoying aspect of it is that they have led others astray even their biological children. Our Mother Blessed Virgin Mary is our role model especially we Christian mothers. I implore all women to read the history of Blessed Virgin Mary and emulate her life style. Blessed Virgin Mary is the Mother of God because she lives her life decently.
” She was crowded queen of Haven because she kept her life Holy and Secred. She is known for humility, patience, compassion, perseverance, prayerfulness, endurance and calmness. Why can’t we women emulate all these attributes of Blessed Virgin Mary and stop hashing immorality and tribulations in society through our attitudes, “she said. 

According to her, women are organizers of family, wondering what has gone wrong with women especially those who have married with children.
” So, this occasion of Mother’s Sunday is a time women should take stock of their lives and examine their previous actions in life and make urgent U-turn. No evil will go unpublished. Live a decent life and let Blessed Virgin Mary be your role model so that you will be blessed. Shalom, Happy Esther celebration and Mother’s Sunday in advance” Iyom decency Onwuzuluora concluded.

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