Let Labour Party return to law now-APC, Anambra

By Mr Okelo Madukaife

Our great party is perplexed that Labour Party (LP) ,a public institution of democracy registered under the authority of the Nigerian Constitution, can host a national convention without conforming to the laws of the land.

The 2022 Electoral Act is clear that all political party conventions must be monitored by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to escape the bounds of illegality.

But alas, right in the heartland of Anambra, the home state of Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe and Sir Louis Mbanefo, and led by an Anambra citizen, LP has thrown caution to the winds and rubbished the law.

Yet leaders ,members, and supporters of that party are proudly discussing the election of ‘new officials’ in a manner that suggests living in denial.

And this is coming from those who are constantly on a talkative mission to imagine and speak of infractions where they exist and where they do not, for as long as such, do not come from their affiliation.

Our chapter wishes to advise anyone who is interested in a Nigeria where laws are respected to voice up for the leadership and membership of LP to respect the laws in Nigeria.

It is our plea that Nigerians and Ndi Anambra, on whose soil this illegality has been perpetrated, should seize this moment to rise in protection of the law or otherwise distance themselves from such deviants for the common good.

Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

Mr Okelo Madukaife State Publicity Secretary

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