Lack of wisdom, ineptitude cause Nigeria’s bad governance

The Bishop on the Niger, Anglican Communion, Anambra State, Rt Rev Dr Owen Nwokolo, has explained that the present political, economic and social woes bedeviling Nigeria were as a result of ungodliness, lack of wisdom and ineptitude of the leaders.

Bemoaning the nation’s past errors, he said: “We have had several opportunities to save, invest, create and make striking breakthroughs, but because of ungodliness, fear and ignorance we were tossed about and today we are in great agony of the pains of poverty.”

The Bishop drew the analysis in the homily he delivered Wednesday, May 1, 2024 during a weekly church service at the Calvary Chapel, Episcopal House, GRA, Onitsha.

He noted that if the nation’s leaders had exercised enough wisdom and confidence in their various regimes, the entire nation would not have been so deeply plunged and hopelessly tossed about.
In the sermon which he tagged,”The power of wisdom”, Bishop Nwokolo described wisdom as the proper application of knowledge, saying that it was part of man and highly needed in every human endeavour.

“Whatever you do, without applying proper wisdom, it may not be a complete success, but God wants us to always succeed in whatever we do. Present Nigerian leaders should always exercise wisdom in the governance of the nation. In Nigeria we need wisdom to move to our next desired level.
“We need wisdom to have good governance not only in playing our local politics, but also in international politics, for without wisdom, you will be dribbled about, causing you to lose opportunities, “the Bishop further explained.

He emphasized that Nigeria, as a nation, needed wisdom now, that, according to him, things are heard, adding that it is important for people to survive in the midst of the current economic problems.

Expressing worries over the on-going social and economic hardships in the country, Bishop Nwokolo said: “In truth, nobody enjoys difficulty, nobody enjoys hardship no matter how some people may pretend. Hardship is not a welcome development.

“It’s better we avoid it at all cost, and one of the ways to avoid and overcome economic hardship is to apply wisdom with absolute confidence in the Lord Jesus.

“When we have confidence in God, we will not be tossed about in ignorance any more, for God will not lead us without possibilities.”

He assured that God would make Nigeria rich once again by prospering the land and bringing the country out of the present hardship.

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