Many feared dead after gunmen attack at Anambra nite club

Many patrons of a Nite Club in Anambra State are reportedly killed following gunmen attack at the facility. Videos currently trending in the social media space show many people who were shot dead at the Nite Club.

It was gathered that the incident took place at Oba, Idemili North Local Government Area of Anambra State.

However, no further details about who carried out the attacks on Sunday night. A source from the locality said the gunmen came to kidnap the owner of the club, but were resisted by security men attached to the club.

“As a result of the resistance, the gunmen started shooting sporadically, killing many people in the process.

“They also beheaded one of the security men who resisted them from taking the owner of the night club.”

Spokesperson for Anambra State Police command, DSP Tochukwu Ikenga confirmed the incident. He said two vigilance members were among the victims.

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