Joy of Easter, hope of glory

Christians all over the world place high premium on Easter celebration from time immemorial. It is a time for sober reflection and a time to show love to one another in appreciation of love of God to mankind.

Today is Easter Sunday, the momentous day that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. His death and resurrection is the foundation of the Christian belief in eternal life in Heaven.

In addition and in line with faith, Easter marks a joyful end to the Lenten season, which is the 40 days period of fasting and piety, which is celebrated with festivity filled with a spirit of renewal, joy and togetherness.

Easter Sunday is naturally a day to express a fashion sense that showcases the beauty and joy of the resurrection of the Redeemer.

You can choose to wear contemporary traditional styles or choose modern outfits from modern trends to mark the day. Hit the road to church in a beautiful outfit representing the beauty of the season.

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