Be result-oriented evangelists in this diocese, Bishop Nwokolo charges preachers

Bishop Nwokolo

By Alex Uzoigwe

The Bishop on the Niger, Rt Rev Dr Owen Nwokolo has challenged evangelists in the diocese not to rest on their oars in matters of evangelism but instead to continually launch out for effective soul-winning.

The Bishop noted that the diocese was lagging behind and not where it was expected to be found in soul-winning. He said what the diocese had achieved in the area of evangelism was not anything close to what was expected of it.

Bishop Nwokolo who handed out the challenge in a homily he delivered during a special church service with the evangelists at the Episcopal Calvary Chapel, GRA, Onitsha, mandated the evangelists to accord soul-winning a prime position in their daily activities.

 He emphasized the need for deepening evangelism in the diocese and entreated the evangelists to learn the art of winning souls with the vision and mission of the diocese in their routine search for souls.

 While encouraging the evangelists to always cultivate the habit of translating the spirit and the letters of the vision and mission statements of the diocese into practical reality, Bishop Nwokolo reminded them of the contents of the statements.

 According to him, the objective of the statements is to make the diocese a leading Church that wins souls, impacts lives and dominates its environment for Christ.

 He, therefore, appealed to the evangelists to use their present calling to cause objective and positive changes in the diocese. He advised them to always underscore the number of souls they collectively or individually won for Christ on yearly basis.

  “Jesus will eventually check how far we impacted lives and served others. Christ lived by example and wanted His disciples to emulate his humility and service to humanity.

 “Therefore, understand that you have a share in Jesus for which you should stand to claim. For that reason, you ought to effectively co-work with Him in order for you to know how to manage your own portion of the share,” Bishop Nwokolo admonished the evangelists.

 In a brief vote of thanks, the Chaplain, Evangelists on the Niger, Ven Kperechukwu Nwankwo, appreciated the Bishop for what he described as the Bishop’s unbroken fatherly spiritual and material supports to the organization, pledging the body’s unalloyed support to his Episcopacy.

  In the same vein, the President of the organization, Evang. Peter Azumbe, had while expressing profound gratitude for the Bishop’s concern for soul-winning, disclosed that the organization had drawn and completed strategies to revolutionize the diocese evangelism through one-to-one, door-to- evangelism.

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