Anambra community celebrates 2024 Ede Opoto cultural festival

People of Ifitedunu

By Akuma

As part of fostering Igbo culture and tradition, the people of Ifitedunu community in Dunukofia Local Government Area, Anambra State recently organized their annual cultural festival called Ede Opoto Ifitedunu.

The occasion witnessed the presence of sons and daughters of the community both home and abroad, people from different communities, friends and well_wishers from all walks of life.

In his opening remarks at the event, the Eze Muo of Ifitedunu, Chief Innocent Nwoye thanked God for his protection upon them. He also welcomed and thanked his people and guests for honoring their invitation, noting that their presence made the event a reality.

The Eze Muo used the medium to encourage the people of Ifitedunu and advised them to always be appreciative of what they have, adding that such gesture would go a long way in developing their community the more.

Contributing, the Eze Kisa Ifitedunu, Chief Chukwudi Udobi (Eze Nwachinemelu) described Ede Opoto as a success.

Eze Kisa Okofia appreciated sons and daughters of Ifitedunu community for coming out in masse to celebrate their father’s heritage, even as he thanked their Eze Muo, the organizers, the women group and others in s special way for their meaningful contributions towards the progress of Ifitedunu community.

On his part, one of the elders in the community, Chief Obidinyelu (Ife Emewu Madu) said that they were celebrating their cultural heritage, adding that Ede Opoto was being celebrated every “Uka EKe” of March of every year. He explained that it was a time both sons and daughters of the community had mass return for the celebration, an event the community equates with Christmas.

Mr Nnamdi aka Onyekpuigu and Chief Ifeanyichukwu Obiadada, the Akajiofor Ifitrdunu disclosed that Ede Opoto was a time they gathered together to thank God and ask for more protection preparatory to the farming season. He said it was a yearly event and their forefathers heritage.

Highlight of the event were people paying homage to their Ezemuo and masquerade display.

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