We can’t influence choice of monarch for Azia community-Anambra State govt

The Anambra State Government has assured the Azia community in Ihiala LGA that nobody would be imposed on them as the traditional ruler.

The Anambra State Commisioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Matters, Mr Collins Nwabunwanne made this known this at Government House Awka, on Wednesday.

Mr Nwabunwanne said as a matter of fact that government had no preferred candidate amongst the candidates for the royal stool of the community.

He maintained that the community would have a monarch of their choice devoid of any undue influence from any quarter.

“It is the people that would select who they want and present him to government for recognition based on the constitution of the town. Government does not have any preferred candidate amongst the contestants. It’s not the duty of government to select traditional rulers for communities. The people will make their choice and their choice must prevail. There will not be any imposition of a monarch on you people,”Nwanbunwanne insisted.

He enjoined them to continue to be peaceful, patient and tolerant in all circumstances.

In their speech, the elders and youths of the community speaking through Ichie Benneth Abaniwu(Secretary Igwe-In-Council) and Odu Chike Moghalu(Trustee, Igwe In-Council) complained that someone in the community, who they said was not even qualified to contest for the royal stool in the area has been boasting that the government will soon give him Certificate of Recognition.

The elders claimed that the person is not even qualified to be the community’s Monarch because his father is still alive and as sort can not perform the traditional role of breaking kola whenever his father is still alive.

The Azia visitors to Government House, Awka displayed placards with various inscriptions asking the government to come and conduct election for the 12 people who had purchased forms and shown enough interest in becoming the traditional ruler of the community.

“We most humbly write to inform Mr Governor that Azia people are ready to hold a free, fair, transparent and all-inclusive selection process for a new Igwe of Azia and to receive the delegation that will carry out the exercise. Government’s relevant ministry in charge of customs and tradition should come and monitor the process with your express approval,” they insisted.

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