Ukpo community ends successful cultural festival, calls for peace

By Akuma

As part of Igbo culture and tradition, the people of Ukpo in Dunukofia LGA of Anambra State recently organized their annual event called Opoto Ukpo 2024.

The occasion witnessed the presence of all the sons and daughters of Ukpo, people from different communities, friends and well-wishers from all walks of life.

In his opening remarks at the event, the President General of Ukpo, Ichie Uchenna Ezewulu welcomed everyone for making it possible to be there. He thanked God for His protection upon them.

Ichie Ezewulu used the medium to encourage the people of Ukpo and urged both the rich and the poor to cultivate the spirit of helping one another and also for them to be appreciated with the little gift they received from people which would go along way in developing their community.

The Chairman Ukpo cultural committee, Mr Raphael Akude, Ichie Ononakunnaya described Opoto Ukpo as a success. The event is being organized by the four quarters in Ukpo namely, Oranto being the senior followed by Isiekwulu, Akpu and Akaezi. Ichie Ononakunnaya appreciated all the people of Ukpo for coming out in mass to celebrate their father’s heritage, in a special way thanked their Igwe, the PG_ Ichie Uchenna Ezewulu, Ichie Okwuchukwu Ezeaku Ide Ukpo, Ichie Onwa ll, Barr. Chijiko Nwakor, Ichie Anolue Chikwadolu and others.

The first vice PG of Ukpo development union, Hon Chinedu Omereke said that they were celebrating their culture and heritage. He disclosed that Opoto Ukpo was being celebrated every “Uka Oye” of February of every year, a time both sons and daughters of the community come home to celebrate it like Christmas of today, according to him.

Ichie Ezeaku Ide Ukpo, a retired civil servant disclosed that Opoto Ukpo was a time they gathered to thank God and ask for more protection as they were about to begin their cultivation for the year.

Ichie Olibie John, Ifemelumma of Ukpo who is the deputy chairman of the committee on culture said that Opoto was a yearly event and it was their forefathers heritage.

Ifemelumma disclosed that there are stages of the event which includes masquerade flogging masquerade and people flogging people then masquerade and people flogging each other, showing strength which signified cultural. Ifemelumma thanked Olibie family, Umuota kindred, Akpu village, Igwe and his cabinet then Anambra as a whole and asked God for peace in Anambra State.

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