Thank you, America, says son of Nigerian Army Major General as he becomes citizen

Associate Professor Tobe S. Momah of the University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi 39216, is one of the sons of former Nigerian Minister of Science and Technology, Late Major General Sam Momah.

Some weeks ago, he was sworn in as a citizen of the United States of America, and as he drove back through his reality he discovered that it was truly a bittersweet moment.

Associate Prof Momah said it was sweet because it was 20 years ago that he set his foot on the soil of the greatest nation on earth, the United States of America. He described the American nation as the grand equalizer and emancipator of all which took him through the post match scrabble from Brooklyn, New York, where he became a family physician to Jackson, Mississippi where he pursue his dreams in academic medicine.

“Bitter, because I remember those days in Bariga, Lagos where my parents raised me and my hopes of America ignited by the shiny stethoscope and bright white coat of my Mother’s visiting newly minted American-trained Physician Brother, Dr Nwachukwu Anakwenze.

“Through the toil, and pain of medical school and many a dashed hope of visa interviews I finally arrived on the shores of the USA on the wings of prayer and hope that never makes ashamed.

“Through it all, I want to thank those who gingered me on and never gave up on this American dream with me. My dear wife, Rita Momah, my parents, Late Gen. and Mrs S.I Momah, my siblings and Uncles Nat, Tony and Bonny and their families gave me their unequivocal support along the way.

“My teachers in residency, including Drs. Komdamudi and Abraham, and my mentors along this road of family medicine, including Drs. Beebe, Pittman, Cloy, Kemp, and others, I owe them gratitude.

“America gave an opportunity to an immigrant like me, and as I celebrate my Birthday today, September 25, 2024, I want to say thank you to this nation of colonies and citadel of immigrants that never stops protecting her own and looking out for those less fortunate, like myself.

“In response, I promise to serve this nation with courage, compassion, and commitment in every way I can.
“Thank you all for the birthday wishes and God bless, “he said.

Associate Prof Momah is a first-generation physician who was thrust into Medicine by sheer desire, and not through some Uncle or Aunt who worked in Medicine.

In his junior year of high school, he fell in love with the human body and has continued to fall in love with it over and over again.

In 2003, a Master’s degree at the University of London opened the limitless vistas of a research based Clinical practice to him. He saw in that great institution, Professors who though clinically trained had dedicated their lives to finding cures, answers and solutions to some of the world’s greatest medical questions.

He, therefore, decided to devote himself to research in Medicine at any opportunity he got. He wrote eleven clinical case reports in his residency years, and continued in active research after residency even while in the public and private practice.

His transition to research was, however, consummated with his appointment at the University of Mississippi Medical Center. His quest, therefore, as a clinical researcher is to explore the deepest frontiers of medical knowledge and train others to follow suit.

He is happily married to Rita Momah, an employee of the Mississippi Department of Health, and has one set of twin children.

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