Regarding miracles, testimonies

By Val Obienyem

The primary issue plaguing the world is ignorance, particularly evident among miracle-seeking Christians. Aside from orchestrated “arrangee” miracles, over 99% of what people celebrate as miracles are merely natural occurrences following their usual course. Have you ever noticed how some afflictions resolve themselves naturally?

Imagine this situation: 100 people with different afflictions gather at a miracle night hoping for healing. If the pastor is fortunate, some of them may experience natural recovery during the event and mistakenly attribute it to a miracle.

In the Catholic Church, the attainment of sainthood hinges on the validation of two miracles. Each claimed miracle undergoes rigorous scrutiny. Regarding instances of healing, accredited medical experts must ascertain whether the previously diagnosed affliction was deemed incurable and therefore beyond natural explanation.

Recently, I listened to a testimony at Eneche’s Church. The woman spoke of what she perceived as a miracle worthy of testimony. However, the problem lies in many Christians’ tendency to elevate mundane achievements to extraordinary status. Even if her testimony was genuine, how does graduating or being the first in the family to do so qualify as extraordinary even when those that do not believe in God also graduate like others?

While I acknowledge the existence of miracles, I contend that what some Christians perceive as miracles are often simply natural occurrences unfolding unexpectedly.

What about those who claim to have raised people from the dead and to have sipped tea from the same cup with God? These are descriptions from unbelievers chasing clouts that bring the name of Christianity into disrepute.

For a clearer understanding of issues like this, please consider listening to Fr. John Oluoma, whose postulate is dedicated to addressing various Christian misconceptions.

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