PA to Gov Soludo’s Commissioner dumps APGA for APC in Onitsha North

The on going IKEMBA FRONT youth leadership lour of the 21 Local Government Areas in Anambra State anchored by the National Youth Leader of IKEMBA FRONT, Dr Charles Ebulue, has progressed with much success.

At the Onitsha North LGA youth leadership tour of IKEMBA FRONT, the flagship political structure of Senator Dr Patrick Ifeanyi Ubah, saw the decamping of some members of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) to the All Progressives Congress (APC).

Leading the pack of decampees was an aide to a serving Commissioner in the government of Prof. Charles Soludo, Hon Azike Udoh, who also served as elected Councilor representing Ward 3, Onitsha North Local Government Area.

Hon Udoh in his speech said that his reason for leaving his former party, APGA, was the lack of future in the former party, he affirmed that APC is the party of the future where all aspirations would be accommodated. He assured that more of his colleagues were also joining the APC.

On ground to receive Hon Udoh and others was the APC Onitsha North LGA Chairman, Hon Ezennia Ojekwe and his Deputy, Hon Ifeanyi Oranye. Other senior party members like the two term House of Assembly member, Hon Barr. Chugbo Enwezor, Hon Peter Iwobi, among others were also at the event.

The National Coordinator of IKEMBA FRONT, Sir Arinzechukwu Awogu, who chaired the meeting said that IKEMBA FRONT is the forerunner for the APC in Anambra State. He disclosed that the mission of the body was to see that APC takes over Anambra State to broaden access to national opportunities for Ndi-Anambra.

He assured that APC under Senator Ubah’s governorship would give Anambra State the needed mileage in all sectors of development.

He also thanked the APC Onitsha North Chairman and his Deputy for their presence and warm reception accorded IKEMBA FRONT in Onitsha North LGA.

Sir Awogu commended the cooperation and support of APC local government Chairmen to the activities of IKEMBA FRONT and said that IKEMBA FRONT is at the service of APC. He affirmed that Hon Barr. Chugbo Enwezor is the leader of IKEMBA FRONT in Onitsha North.

The Onitsha North LGA leg of the IKEMBA FRONT youth leadership tour, had in attendance, APC local government and ward exco members including IKEMBA FRONT youth leaders and members across the 15 wards of Onitsha North LGA. The tour continues to other local government areas.

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