Onitsha Catholic Archbishop Okeke dedicates St Francis of Assisi New Heaven parish

By Akuma

It was a moment of joy for the parishioners and the laity of St Francis of Assisi Parish, New Heaven Onitsha as the Catholic Archbishop of Onitsha Diocese, Most Rev. Valerian Maduka Okeke, on 17 March 2024, led dignitaries, friends of the church, well-wishers and adherents of the Catholic faith in a High Mass and the dedication ceremony of St. Francis of Assisi parish, New Heaven.

In his homily, the Archbishop Okeke reflected on the importance of church dedication, he said that dedication denoted handing over to God and the official ceremony of the project automatically made the place a sacred place, which he said certain things should be abstained from carrying out in such a place.

“So today’s dedication ceremony has made this church a temple of God, a place where any one can come in and pray with faith, love,forgiving hearts and God will answer the supplications, “he said.

The Archbishop commended the Church for their tenacity and for choosing to plant in the vineyard of God. He reminded them that their energy, time and money put to build the house for God and serve him in spirit and in the truth is not an effort in futility. “Your reward for painstakingly building for God despite the situation we have found ourselves today is in Heaven,”he said.

The Perlate, therefore, thanked the Parish Priest,Very Rev. Fr. Vincent Onuchukwu for championing the cause and lauded him for his managerial skills and burning desire in working in God’s vineyard.

Responding in his appreciation note, the Parish Priest, St Francis of Assisi New Heaven Parish,Very Rev. Fr. Vincent Onuchukwu thanked God for making the day a reality and appreciated the Archbishop Okeke for his fatherly roles and supports to the parish even as he wished him long life in sound health.

The cleric in the same vein thanked the parishioners for their unwavering support, cooperation and contributions towards making the dream of building for God a reality.

In a brief interview with the immediate past President General Catholic Men Organization, Onitsha Archdiocese who doubles as pioneer member of Parish Council, Chairman dedication Planning Committee, Hon. Sir Ifeanyichukwu Nnajiaku expressed happiness over the actualization of the goal, noting that the result achieved and being celebrated today, was a journey that started many years ago. “I am thankful to God that we all are alive to witness its celebration and dedication ably dedicated to God by Archbishop Okeke, “he said.

Continuing, he thanked the Archbishop for coming to bless the church just as he eulogized the parish priest, Very Rev. Fr Vincent Onuchukwu for always setting pace towards the growth and development of the church .

The Episcopal Vicar Iyiowa Region,Very Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Egwuoba while thanking God for His grace and mercies for mission fulfilled, confirmed that it was the Lords doing and hard work that saw to the success of the temple.

He appreciated Archbishop Okeke for the good job he said he was doing in Onitsha Diocese and also thanked the parish priest for the job.

In their separate speeches, the Vice Chairman Parish Council, Igbosilike Basil and the Treasurer, Mr Peter Egbuaba described the event as one achievement too many. They urged the parishioners to maintain the church building just as they commended the parish priest and prayed God to give him more knowledge, wisdom and good health as he continues to pilot the parish affairs.

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