Non implementation of 2014 confab report, 10 yrs after, responsible for insecurity in Nigeria

Senior Special Assistant to  Chief Ralph Uwazuruike-led Biafra Independence Movement and Movement for the Actualization of Sovereign State of Biafra (BIM -MASSOB) on Media and Publicity,  Mazi Chris Mocha has told Federal Government that if no steps are taken to renew what he described as the unworkable union that was created by Lord Lugard in 1914, joining Nigeria together, that Nigeria’s unity would continue to hang on the balance. Mocha alleged that the  persistent failure  of the  Government to  discuss the  2014 Confab Report  had been responsible for the spate of attacks by terrorists and bandits in the North and renewed agitations by self determination groups in  the Southern Nigeria. He also said that some elder statesmen who were dissatisfied with the amalgamation of Southern and Northern protectorates he described as illegal had also expressed concerns and their voices after January 1, 2014 expiration date of the union. “While some of the elder statesmen reasoned that Nigeria is only  a  mere geographical expression to which life was given by the diabolical amalgamation of 1914, others, said the painful amalgamation will remain as the most painful injury the British inflicted on Southern Nigeria. “The support I  will always give to any Government in power in Nigeria  is the  support that will divide the country itself, Mocha once told Journalists. “A situation where a  Chairman of Christian Association of Nigeria ( CAN), Mangu Chapter, had accused Nigeria soldiers for aiding and abetting the terrorist herdsmen to kill  fellow Christian brethren, and the  Army authority looked the other side is most worrisome, “he said. The BIM-MASSOB spokesman recalled that the Northerners who opposed to the amalgamation once said that the Southern people who are swamping into the region are intruders, and they said: “We don’t want them, and they are not welcome here in the North, take it that Nigeria’s unity is only a British intention for the country they have created.” “Also, a  Southerner from the South East region once said: “Only a courageous determination to remedy ourselves of the wretched amalgamation of Northern and Southern Nigeria in 1914 can make the people of these territories to make progress meaningfully.” ‘There is insecurity in the country, Abuja, Lagos, Enugu, Portharcout, Maiduguri, Benue, and other places. No place is safe again. Why are  the politicians wasting our time and resources feeding themselves with, ‘all is well’ when the country is burning and no fire servicemen in sight to quench the fire consuming Nigeria. “Why must we continue to waste our time in a country that has not worked for about 100 and 10 years now. “A notable Northern politician was quoted saying suffice it to say, putting all considerations to test, political, economic, as well as social, the basis of unity is not there or it has been badly shaken not once but several times. “A politician and Scholar from South South said something must have gone wrong along the line from 1914 when the Southern and Northern protectorates were amalgamated till date. “But a traditional ruler in one of the communities in Anaocha Council Area of Anambra state, yesterday, said, ‘on behalf of my traditional council and entire people of my kingdom, I have commended the BIM-MASSOB leader, Barr. (Chief) Ralph Uwazuruike, who he described  as a  peaceful man, stating that God was truly behind him. “In a letter he addressed to Ralph Uwazuruike and copied to Nigeria’s President and all the Igbo Senators, he praised Uwazuruike’s courage and determination in the struggle to actualize Biafra by non- violent means. “The Igbo Monarch enjoined Uwazuruike and his loyalists to remain steadfast and undaunted, stressing that God of Isreal is with them. “He added that the unsolicited amalgamation of various tribes and ethnic groups by the British Government to form an entity was irregular, ill -motivated , unreasonable, and a reckless abuse of colonial powers. “The Anambra Monarch said the amalgamation also constituted a forceful marriage  as it was not the desire and wishes of the parties to be merged, “he said. The BIM-MASSOB spokesman further noted that 10 years after the expiration of the amalgamation on January 1, 2014, that the Federal Government of Nigeria was not ready to implement the Conference Report which it said had been  the contributory factor fueling banditry and kidnappings. It, however, accused the FG of insensitivity to the plights of the common man because of her unwillingness to discuss, implement the 2014 Confab Report that would have tackled the security challenges in the country, as well as given credence to the formation of regional Governments, State police, among other recommendations.


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