G19 United Brothers of Edoji Nnewi , others condole with late Prof Odigboh’s family, as his children vow to maintain his legacy

Chike, Ifeanyi, Okechukwu and Sisters during the burial of their late dad.

By Akuma

The remains of a renowned Engineer, late Prof Sir Engr Emmanuel Uchechukwu Odigboh, KSM (Nwa amu n’ nma) have been laid to rest at his compound in Edoji village Uruagu Nnewi, Nnewi North Local Government Area, Anambra state.

The funeral of late Sir Engr. Prof. Emmanuel Odigboh who died at the age of 83 years, started with a Holy Mass.

During a requiem mass held by the St Augustine Catholic Church, Edoji Uruagu Nnewi in honour of the late octogenarian, which had the church filled to its capacity by dignitaries cut across different social strata, also had in attendance the Chairman G19 United Brothers of Edoji,Mr Okeke Nchekwube and other numerous personalities who came to pay their last respects to the fallen unsung philanthropist cum Engineering Icon.

Mr Chike Odigboh, the deceased’s son explained that his father was a man of many parts, as he was intellectually gifted, go-getter, socially radiating and selfless in kindness.

“My dad is a man of many colours who tried to maximize his time in a day to achieve the more that he could. He was a straight forward man. A very intelligent person who was good at everything he was doing. He was very prayerful, caring, understanding and a social man and above all a God-fearing dad.

Members of G19 at Odigboh’s compound during the burial.

“His death is a heavy blow to us his children and by extension to all who had came in contact with him. But we can’t question God over his death because His supreme Will is unquestionable and one can understand that death is a title everyone must take, it is a necessary end. It comes when it will come but our prayers is for God to give us grace to live long. The only challenge we have is that he created a very big vacuum for us the living, “he said.

He, however, prayed that God would give them the grace to continue from where their late father stopped in charity work and maintain legacy of peace and unity in their family.

Also speaking, another son of the deceased, Mr Ifeanyi Odigboh described his dad as a humble and gentle man.

“My dad was a perfect gentleman and a vessel of peace and humility. He was and still my role model.”

“He loved God and things attached to Christianity that led him to donate part of his land where St Augustine Catholic Church was built. He trained a lot of people in the society. It was painful that he died but at same time, we his children are all productive, “he said.

On his part the last son, Mr Okechukwu Odigboh (Nwa amulu n’ mma Junior) described his late dad as a fortunate man which he said gained him the name ‘nwa amulu n’ nma’ meaning a child born in abundance. My dad was not a Christian, but he decided to go the missionary school from there, his future was so bright. He started having scholarship upon scholarship from primary to university level. I met him as a father, we became friends and he was a mentor to me so it is always a joy to have such a father around us who was a great investor, a good scorer, a good teacher and a philanthropist.

“He was a man of many parts, he invented so many machines which included cassava machine and harvesting machine to mention but a few. I believe with his positive impacts in society, his absence would not only be felt by our family but both outsiders who in one way or the other have had an encounter with him.We pray for his soul to find eternal rest in the bosom of the Lord.”

On the cause of immortalizing their dad, they unanimously promised to start from where their dad stopped in helping people which they said will keep his name alive. They thanked everyone for coming to show their support and love to them and urged everyone to love one another, treat everybody the same not minding people’s positions which they described as one of the traits of their late father.

The Chairman of G19 United Brothers of Edoji, Mr Okeke Nchekwube (Etodike na Nnewi) described late Engr Sir Prof Emmanuel Uchechukwu Odigboh as one of the unsung philanthropists in Edoji, noting that he touched many lives through his charitable work.

Narrating his encounter with late Prof Odigboh, Mr Nchekwube said: ” I was privileged to have worshiped at Odigboh’s compound where our block rosary crusade center was situated, so I knew him for a long time with his good deeds in the community and outside. Nnewi Catholic diocese, and St Augustine parish Edoji community particularly will ever be grateful to him for his good deed to the parish.

“His death is so painful and a great loss not only to the immediate family but Uruagu Nnewi in general, but in all ,we thanked God that he lived to train his children and they are all productive in life. “

He, therefore, prayed God to grant the family the fortitude to bear the colossal loss.

In another development, while answering a question on the aims of G19 Brothers of Edoji Group, Mr Nchekwube said: “G19 Brothers of Edoji is a group that comprises all the Edoji Indigenes both home and abroad that volunteered themselves, both their time and resources in making our community a better place. We have contributed a lot to develop our community including, installation of solar light, grading of roads every Christmas period, construction of culverts, drainage and gutters from 20km to Nkwo Edoji that controls the erosion. Aside from that, we have distributed not less than 700 machines to all the disabled people in Edoji and so many others.

On his message to Edoji people especially the well-to-do individuals, he replied: “Let them come out and join us to make Edoji a better place to live. Just as Prof. volunteered himself on time for the good of Edoji.”

He pleaded with all to team up with G19 Brothers of Edoji, adding that the group’s activities were transparent, even as he said that there was no need for the community to keep waiting for government to change the face of their community, saying that with their collective efforts they could have a livable Edoji Uruagu Nnewi.

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