Ekwunife’s campaign organization DG joins APGA, praises party’s grassroots presence, structures

The ever searching hook of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), Umuoji Ward, led by Hon Gilbert Okoye, recently caught a very big fish in the person of Dr Alphonsus Anagu. Dr Anagu, a two-time Director General of Senator Uche Ekwunife’s Campaign Organization and former Idemili North Local Government Area Chairman of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) decamped to APGA alongside his political ally, Hon Nonso Ekpunobi.

Receiving the decampees into the party at the palatial home of the leader of the party in Umuoji who doubles as the President General of Umuoji Improvement Union of Nigeria (UIUN), Chief Ifeanyi Muoemenam, during the ward and party’s stakeholders meeting, Hon Okoye described Dr Anagu as a seasoned politician who had garnered lots of experience over the years, saying that the APGA Umuoji ward had gotten a man with many parts. He noted that the executive of the party as well as the stakeholders of APGA in Umuoji were more than delighted to have Dr Anagu as a card carrying member of the rulling party in the State.

“With our continued sensitization, enlightenment and search for membership, we were able to capture Dr A.A. Anagu and issued the party’s membership card to him. We were able to convince him to identify with the party. We equally wooed Hon Nonso Ekpunobi back to APGA. This is where he rightly belongs. We are happy to have him back to the fold. Our search and drive for membership is still on.

“There is no going back. You can see that today we have the President of Umuoji Improvement Union of Nigeria, home branch, Chief Titus Oguejiofor in our midst. This is a testament to the fact that Umuoji is an APGA Community. APGA is now one everyone’s lips. There are many others who will join us soon. We are working together with our leader, Chinechendo Umuoji and other stakeholders to ensure that every family, kindred and village in Umuoji proclaim the name of the party APGA. We are getting there.

“We are not relenting. We are going after all the members of the party who in one way or the other felt unwanted, betrayed or relegated to the background. We want both old and young back to the party. We are going to give everyone equal opportunity to contribute their quota .

“All hands must be deck. We are not going to leave anyone behind. This is a new dawn. We want everyone around. With injection of these experienced grassroots mobilizers and politicians we are complete. The drive for membership and reconciliation is still on. We are leaving no stone unturned. Together we will take APGA Umuoji ward to greater heights,”Mbanabalu agu said.

Chief Okoye paid a glowing tribute to the leader of the party in Umuoji, Chief Sir Muoemenam for his immense contribution towards the growth of APGA in Umuoji, saying that the President General of Umuoji Improvement Union of Nigeria had been sponsoring the party’s activities for a long time now and deserved to be commended for his selfless service, adding that progress and gains made so far would be sustained.

Appreciating the party faithful in Umuoji ward, Dr Anagu expressed satisfaction with the way the party had been structured, saying that the grassroots presence of APGA across the Anambra State had made it almost impossible for opposition parties to wrestle power away from APGA, adding that he joined the party to make a difference and also bring his wealth of experience to bear on the party.

“I am coming to the party with over 1000 supporters of mine. This is the time to show capacity again. We will join hands with the party’s exco, stakeholders and every member here to move the party forward. I need your cooperation and support. I have never changed party from way back. I have held several positions. I started with being a local government party chairman. After checking the pros and cons I took the decision to join APGA. My style of politics is centred on polling booths, ward, local government and then state. Let us work for the good of the party. I am a fighter and I know that when we work together all of us here will benefit from our efforts. I am pleased with what the Leader of the party has done so far. I am greatly impressed. Chinechendo Umuoji is a jolly good fellow. A selfless man, so humble, friendly and jovial. APGA respects structure. I am in love with the operational organogram of the party.

Speaking shortly after introducing himself to the party’s faithful, Hon Ekpunobi said he was overwhelmed with joy, noting that he was back to his family, even as he said he was that biblical lost sheep that wandered away and now back home to reunite with his people.

“APGA is my home. I am happy to be back again. My master, Dr Anagu is here, I have no other option than to follow him. He’s my political boss and I am super proud of him. He brought me up politically. He is one of the pioneers of Achalagu. I am following him and it is paying off. I joined APGA in 2012 and formally in 2014 through Chief Tony Onyima the then Commissioner for Information Anambra State. I never wanted to go into politics but I was convinced by Mr Arinze Nweje and was later groomed by Dr Anagu. Arinze played a very important role. I am here to thank you people for the opportunity given to me. I will double my efforts, “Hon Ekpunobi pledged.

Earlier in a remark, the President General of Umuoji Improvement Union of Nigeria, Chief Muoemenam expressed gratitude to God for His mercies upon APGA Umuoji ward, assuring that the party would continue to move from strength to strength.

The meeting attended by over 200 APGA Umuoji ward members also had polling units coordinators, critical stakeholders and ward excos in attendance.

Ratification and endorsement of the two Councilor nominees by the members of the party and stakeholders, speeches formed the highpoints of the meeting.

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