Azia community takes battle of Igweship to Government House, Awka

Azia Community Elders

Igweship crisis of Azia community in Ihiala Local Government Area has been brought to the door step of Prof Charles Soludo of Anambra State for solution.

Elders of the community made up of the two warring factions were on Thursday hosted in a fact finding meeting, where the Commissioner for Local Government and Chieftaincy Matters, Hon Tony Collins Nwabunwanne represented Governor Soludo.

Two contestants to the throne, Prof Titus Eze and Chief Felix Ifeanyimuo were locked in the struggle over who becomes the monarch, when suddenly, Prof Eze died.

Ifeanyimuo has since then been tasking the state government to issue him a certificate of recognition as the monarch, but a village in the community, Umudiokpara has continued to insist that a new contestant will be presented to vie against Ifeanyimuo, as they are the village whose turn it was to present a monarch.

Some notable elders of the community who spoke either called for a fresh election, while other insisted that Ifeanyimuo should be issued certificate of recognition as monarch.

A priest, Rev Fr Hyginus Aghaulor who spoke during the peace meeting insisted that Umudiokpara is the right village to produce Igwe for the community; as such a fresh election should be conducted, at least to give them the opportunity.

Earlier, the member representing Ihiala II state constituency, Hon Golden Iloh had commended Soludo for his efforts to ensure lasting peace in all communities in the state.

“The Governor has used Commissioner, Nwabunwanne to restore peace in many communities. It is our hope that once the Governor sees the report from his Commissioner about this meeting, he will take a stand on it, and we hope that it will bring peace to the community.”

Nwabunwanne who presided over the meeting promised that soon, government will take a stand on the kingship tussle in the community, and its stand will benefit all.

Despite facing serious crisis occasioned by the struggle for power, Azia is one of the communities that was hitherto under the control of bandits who pride themselves as unknown gunmen.

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