An address to Nnewi Union USA on July 6,2024 by APC South East Organizing Secretary, Dozie Ikedife (Jnr)

Distinguished Senator Representing Anambra South Senatorial District,*
The Crown Prince of Nnewi Ancient Kingdom,
The Chairman of the Convention,
The Chairman of NUSA USA,
The Chairman of NUSA Atlanta, my home,

Thank you all for granting me the honor to speak to our family, our town. I stand here today, not just as a member of this community but as someone who deeply loves and believes in the potential of Nnewi and our great state, Anambra.

I want to take a moment to remind us of our shared history, our struggles, our triumphs, and the bond that unites us. Our town, Nnewi, is a symbol of resilience, wisdom, and unmatched entrepreneurial spirit. We have always risen above challenges, showing the world what it means to be Nnewi.

Remember, a daughter of Nnewi, Dame Virgy Etiaba, once held the esteemed position of Governor of Anambra State, though for a brief three months. In that short period, she made us proud and demonstrated what is possible when one of our own leads. Imagine the legacy we could build for our children and grandchildren with four years of such leadership.

Now, picture our beloved town and the entire Anambra transformed by the Nnewi spirit of success. Imagine roads built with care, schools where our children thrive, safe streets free from the fear of kidnappers, and abundant opportunities for employment. This vision is within our reach if we unite and elect one of our own as governor.

For too long, we have placed our hopes in the hands of others, watching as our state struggles. It is time to take our destiny into our own hands. God has blessed Nnewi with wisdom, entrepreneurship, and leadership. We must use these gifts to lift Anambra from poverty to prosperity, creating a bright future for all.

My brothers and sisters, we must come together, setting aside our differences. Let us unite as a town to elect one of us as the next Governor of Anambra State. We need a governor who will remember that Nnewi made him, one who will honor our ancestors and build on the foundation they laid.

Our state has wisely adopted rotational governorship, ensuring that each zone feels represented. Governor Soludo from the South Senatorial Zone is proof of this wisdom. Each zone serves for eight years, and after Soludo’s term, the South will have another four years. If we fail to act now, it will be twenty years before we get another chance. We cannot afford to wait that long.

Today, I speak to you not just as an officer of the ruling party, APC, but as a proud son of Nnewi. If you share my belief that Nnewi should produce the next Governor of Anambra State, if you understand the urgency of now, let us come together to achieve this monumental task.

We have a remarkable son of Nnewi, graced by God. He has shown his capacity in healthcare, education, security, and infrastructure. He has uplifted our youth and demonstrated his unwavering love for Nnewi and Anambra.

Now, it is our turn to support him. Let us rise as sons and daughters of Nnewi, united behind him. Our elders should bless this endeavor, knowing that our youth are with him. Every one of us in this room must own this mission of electing a child of Nnewi as governor.

For the sake of our children, both here and back home in Nnewi, let us unite and elect Senator Ifeanyi Ubah as the next Governor of Anambra State. This is our time to make a difference, to build a legacy of prosperity and hope.

Ndi NUSA, let us rise together and seize this moment.

Thank you.

Dozie Ikedife Jr

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