Change And Make A Shift…Part One

By Vincent C.Ugboma

Derick Bingham said,”Change is not easy. Little men with little minds and little imagination go through life in a little nets. Smugly resisting all changes which would jar their little world. Change is made without inconvenience”Our society is facing a serious challenge and he seems the center could not hold. Yet, there is hope is a change from the normal status quo. It is not a peripheral change but a deep sited and rooted change that will cause a revolution. What kind of revolution? An attitudinal revolution! Attitude simply means the way someone thinks,feels or behaves toward someone or something.

The trouble and problem of our society and the nation as a whole is bad leadership. This bad leadership was founded on corruption and unskillfulness. It seems that corruption has become a culture in our society today. An Igbo adage says”When a taboo comes of age, becomes a tradition”. It has become a tradition that many people from different sector, institution, community, etc in our nation are involved in corruption. Corruption is a person and also a system. There is corruption in every sector in our society today but it is not everybody there is corrupt. Some who are not actually corrupt are just sitting or standing like a statue or a stagnant water. No strong desire or vision to bring a quality and concrete change,thus,they need to make a dynamic shift and swing into action.

Many people have been blaming and accusing our political leaders for most of our problems and situations in our country. It is a true fact that some of them are corrupt and the same time have myopic and paralyzed vision for their people. It is an issue but another greater issue is that most of our leaders in our various communities, market places, schools, unions, private and corporate organizations as well as government agencies are corrupt.

Most of these leaders have diverted funds meant for projects their people and establishments to their personal coffers. As you are reading this piece,pause and evaluate yourself whether you’re like one of such leaders or might know someone with every clear and concrete evidence in your community, market place or organization etc who had embezzled public funds, hence the need for change and shift individually and collectively.

The change has to start from you because you can’t change your society or organization without first of all changing your own self. There is a clarion call for individuals and organizations that believe in change and integrity to start shifting into action. We cannot just sit down and wish that things will change themselves. Let’s just not wait until some of these leader change their corrupt and unfruitful attitudes but let there be a radical and quality change amongst the citizens.A change that will build a strong integrity and at the same time develop the right and needed skills for effective and efficient leadership and followership.

Vincent C.Ugboma, is a Multi Gifted Speaker and Writer, Author, Poet, Lecturer, Consultant Pastor and Teacher. He is open for invitations to speak in Seminars, Conferences etc and training in Leadership Management, Business and capacity building etc in Charge,Schools Professional Bodies, Associations, Government Agencies & Corporate Organization etc.

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