106 students matriculate at College of Nursing Sciences, NAUTH, Nnewi to mark its 24th

College of Nursing Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital (NAUTH), Nnewi, Anambra State has matriculated 106 students to mark its 24th matriculation and capping ceremony.

The event which attracted many dignitaries had in attendance the Chief Medical Director of the health institution, Prof. Joseph Ugboaja as Chairman on the occasion who was represented by the Chairman, Medical and Advisory Committee (CMAC), Prof. Ogochukwu Ezejiofor. Prof Ezejiofor said that the CMD was unavoidably absent.

Also at the event were the Igwe Nnewi, Dr Kenneth Orizu 111 represented by Obi Nnewichi, Obi George Onyekaba; the Deputy CMAC, Dr Chukwunaku, other medical personnel; management staff; parents and guardians of the matriculants, among other dignitaries.

In his remarks, Obi Nnewichi, Onyekaba while encouraging the matriculating students to be of good character and to face their studies squarely also congratulated Prof Ugboaja for what he described as the giant strides recorded so far and for achieving tremendous successes within two years in office, especially movement to the permanent site of the hospital which he said had received a remarkable transformation.

He described the CMD as a good leader who considered his staff first and made them happy as he never joked with their welfare. He noted that even in his absence,they wholeheartedly represented him. He declared the trait as one of the qualities that must be seen in a good leader.

To the parents, Obi Onyekaba encouraged them to be strong and be assured that their labour would be rewarded. He further charged the matriculating students to always work hard to justify the efforts of their parents and their sacrifices in training them. He said they should endeavor to make them proud.

In his opening remarks, Prof Ugboaja appreciated Obi Onyekaba for his commitment. He said the Obi would always be available each time he was called.

To the students, he told them that to pass Preliminary Training Session(PTS) was a tough one and also getting admission was on merit. He disclosed that gaining admission into the college of nursing of the health institution was not cheap as it is passing through hurdles to maintain standards.

He revealed that 4,000 students applied for the college of nursing which needed only 200 students. He admonished the students to strive to excel in character and learning which he said would benefit them, their families and the society at large.
He urged parents to continue to support their young ones and should not relent in training them to avoid them becoming liabilities in their old age.

The provost of the college, Dame Joy Aralu in her speech, said that the College of Nursing, NAUTH had excelled academically and was rated one of the best colleges of nursing in Nigeria.

She also noted that the college had recorded tremendous achievements over the years through the support of the CMD and his management. She expressed gratitude to the CMD for his positive change and support to the college leading to its migration from school of nursing to college.

She said that the collage admired his untiring efforts to ensure that the college is on the right footing.

She named some of the needs of the college to include befitting structures of its own not shared with any other department, multimedia projectors and slide for classroom teaching, computers, and laptops for the college and ICT unit, official cars for provost and HODs ,utility bus for the college, among others. She also appreciated the CMAC, Prof Ezejiofor, members of the management, director of nursing services, academic and non academic staff of the college.

She described the cap as a symbol of admission into the sacred walls of the hospital to accept the training designed to equip them with skills and knowledge they have chosen.

The guest speaker, Dr Ngozi Makata, spoke on the theme “promoting nursing care in the politically and economically challenged environment”.

She enumerated the qualities expected of a good nurse which included being an advocate, promoting healthy environment so that ailments would be prevented,respect for patient’s right and others.

She said that some of the challenges of nursing care is security challenge, federal government failure to budget for the profession, lack of interest and commitment by some of the practitioners.

She further mentioned the strategies for promoting nursing care including continuous learning, provision and uses of enhanced equipment, employment of experienced staff and interest.

Highlights of the event were goodwill messages, handover of 106 matriculating students to the provost, capping and students declaration, presentation of awards of excellence and cultural display by the students.

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