Prof Ugboaja appreciates President Tinubu, Prof Pate, other stakeholders for new face of NAUTH at perm site

After the landmark visit of the Hon Coordinating Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Professor Muhammed Ali Pate, July 26, 2024 for the groundbreaking double events of first anniversary of the official commissioning of Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital (NAUTH), Anambra state permanent site and relocation of the hospital clinical units, the Chief Medical Director, Prof Joseph Ugboaja deemed it necessary to brief the press on the actions and prospects of the hospital.

Prof Ugboaja explained at the briefing that the event was actually divided in four parts. Celebration of the first anniversary of the official commissioning of the permanent site and the final relocation of clinical units to the permanent site, the maiden visit of the Hon Coordinating Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Prof Pate, honouring men who have greatly impacted the NAUTH including Sir Emeka Offor, Dr Cletus Ibeto and Senator Ifeanyi Uba were components of the event.

 Foundational members of staff of the hospital who contributed significantly to the development of the institution were also honoured by having some clinics and complexes named after them.

They include late Emeritus Prof O.O. Mbonu, Late Dr TOK Osuafor, Prof Ifeoma Egbuonu, Prof OC Okpala, Prof Okay Ikpeze, Prof SNC Anyanwu, Prof TO Ulasi, Prof JC Orakwe and Prof JIB Adinma.

The second day event started with the arrival of the Minister and his entourage at the Chinua Achebe Airport, Anambra State.

He was later hosted to a courtesy visit and dinner by the Governor of Anambra State, Prof Charles Soludo during which the need for partnership between the federal government and the sub national governments for the provision of quality healthcare for Nigerians were emphasized.

The Hon Minister also used the occasion to brief the Governor on the Nigerian health sector renewal initiative and the Health policy thrusts of the renewed hope agenda of the current administration. He equally thanked him for providing two access roads for ease of transportation to the NAUTH permanent site.

The main event on Wednesday July 17 commenced with stakeholders engagement at the ICT conference center during which the Hon Minister interacted with key stakeholders of the hospital which included Royal fathers, town union executives, captains of industries, business men, members of the clergy as well as senior members of the hospital community.

Prof Ugboaja used the opportunity to present a short documentary of his administration’s journey so far in its quest to becoming a dominant player in the health sector in West Africa.

After the stakeholder’s engagement, the team proceeded to the event arena for the opening ceremony and subsequent commissioning of projects by the Hon Minister.

The highlight of the event was the honouring of three great sons of Nigeria, Sir Emeka Offor , Chief Cletus Ibeto CON  and Senator  Dr Ifeanyi Uba for their contributions to the progress and development of the hospital by naming the medical complex , GOPD complex as well as the MOP clinic after their names, respectively.

The event was well attended by over 1,000 people and had cultural troupes to entertain the people.

Prof Ugboaja explained the significance of the event. He recalled that the NAUTH vision is to rank among the three top hospitals in Nigeria by the year 2030 backed by a 10–year strategic and development plan.

He said this vision was developed in 2021, when he assumed office as the Chief Medical Director of the institution. He explained that the 10-year strategic and development plan is anchored on nine strategic pillars which include strong corporate governance structure, aggressive infrastructural development, acquisition of state of the art equipment and processes as well as strategic human resource management.

Others are the use of partnerships and collaborations, ICT-based practice (e-medicine), robust financial management as well as staff welfare and motivation.

These pillars are aligned with the Nigeria health sector renewal initiative of the Hon Coordinating Minister and his 4-point strategic pillars to improve governance of the health sector, improve population health outcomes, unlocking the healthcare value chain as well as health security.

The CMD said prior to his coming on board, that the hospital was operating in a small space with 300 bed capacity with old and debilitated buildings with obsolete equipment. 

This space constraint limited greatly the volume and quality of care available to the patient. He said it also brought about poor and uncomfortable work environment leading to poor staff attitude to work. The overall impact, he explained, was a poor rating of the hospital both locally and nationally.

He also recalled that when he indicated interest to contest for the position of the Chief Medical Director of the institution, the fulcrum of the campaign was the development of the permanent site which was projected to create the platform for the transformation of the hospital.

He said there is no doubt that achieving the vision and objectives cannot take place at the old site and therefore, the permanent site must be developed as it occupies a central place in the strategic plan under the infrastructural development pillar.

With this background, and armed with the 10-year strategic and development plan, he embarked on the journey with his team to transform the hospital, enhance the quality of clinical services and medical training, foster research and innovation and ultimately change the landscape of healthcare delivery in Anambra State and Nigeria at large.

After 2-3 years of actively planning, working and evaluating alongside with the stakeholders and partners, he said his administration has been able to create a medical complex with an installed capacity of 2,000 beds and ancillary facilities including two oxygen plants.

He named the completed complexes to include the 120 bed Trauma center, the 120 bed Emergency unit; 240 bed medical ward complex; 240 surgical ward complex; 100 bed Paediatric Emergency unit; 120 bed Mother and Child Complex.

Other buildings include the GOPD complex, the Specialty building complex; the Radiology complex; Special treatment center and the VIP /Antenatal clinic complex.

The commissioning of the permanent site last year by Mr President marked a watershed in Prof Ugboaja’s efforts and further strengthened his resolve that his team’s mission is achievable. At the time of commissioning, the hospital had only the clinics running. But one year down the line, they have further completed, furnished and equipped all the hospital wards and units including the emergency units.

The CMD said this involved meticulous and painstaking planning, revenue mobilization, stakeholder engagement, spending and evaluation.

Therefore, the first year anniversary celebration gave his administration an opportunity to commission those new completed projects, celebrate the NAUTH’s achievements and modest progress since commissioning, reexamine the hospital’s strategies and reaffirm its commitment to the vision. 

 Prof Ugboaja talked about the maiden visit of the Coordinating Minister which he said would achieve three major things for the hospital.

He said it would improve his understanding and appreciation of the hospital both the prospects and challenges. He said it would give an official endorsement on the hospital’s activities and projects.

He noted that it would equally give the hospital’s standing a boost both locally among the stakeholders and nationally.T

“The permanent site being constructed as the biggest hospital in West Africa invariably will come with lots of challenges in terms of infrastructure, equipment, manpower and funding.

“The Coordinating Hon Minister is eminently qualified to assist the hospital in these areas which aligns with part of his own strategy which is to strengthen institutions in order to improve health outcomes. This include the issue of manpower challenge, of which he has started to address. Additionally, the concept and construction of the permanent site is more disruptive than routine among the staff and locales.

“Therefore, the visit of the Hon Minister and the commissioning of the projects, will further confer official endorsement on the project. This endorsement is expected to strengthen our corporate resolve, boost the morale of the staff and improve the confidence of the community in our ability to deliver.

‘It is also expected to improve our visibility both locally and across the globe.  It is important to mention that the visit of the Hon Coordinating Minister along with other stakeholders is in line with our 4th pillar which is partnership and collaborations.

“Engagement with stakeholders; the execution of the permanent site requires the cooperation of all the stakeholders. This include the traditional institution, the clergy, the community leaders, the political leaders as well as the philanthropists.

“Others include the government agencies, the state government, the local community as well as the media. Therefore, the anniversary event was an opportunity to interact with the stakeholders, show them what we are doing for the purposes of getting their buy in into the project. The increased buy in is expected to result in increased contribution to the progress and development of the hospital.- projects, access, acceptability, funding, training etc.

“Honouring the grand benefactors: Sir Emeka Offor is an Icon who has done much for humanity using the Sir Emeka Offor Foundation and Rotary platforms. He has donated several projects and equipment to many hospitals across the globe including NAUTH and also impacted the lives of many vulnerable groups positively including the widows.

“Dedicating a building in his honour to celebrate him is envisaged to encourage him to do more but more importantly to inspire other endowed individuals towards humanitarian gestures. Dr Cletus Ibeto CON is a known philanthropists and has done a lot for the hospital including the construction of Accident and Emergency unit, GOPD among others.

“He is equally constructing a block of quarters while Senator Ifeanyi Uba mobilized the Anambra Progressives to complete, furnish equip and donate the MOP Complex to the hospital. The first building to be used at the permanent site.   

“Honouring the foundational members:  Nine of our foundational members were honoured at the event with naming some of the commissioned units after them. This particular gesture was to recognize hard work, sacrifice and tenacity and teach the upcoming members of the hospital that posterity rewards sacrifices made for the institution, “he explained.

On NAUTH’S permanent site success, the Prof said the achievements are closely aligned with the Nigeria Health Sector Renewal Initiative (NHSRII), a strategic framework built on four pillars of improving governance of the health sector, enhancing population health outcomes, unlocking the healthcare value chain, and ensuring health security.

He said these principles are seamlessly integrated into the hospital’s development and operations, underscoring the importance of a structured approach to healthcare advancement.

He explained that NHSRII, through the compact and the Sector-Wide Approach (SWAp), emphasizes coordinated efforts between federal and state governments, development partners, and private sector entities.

He said this integration ensures that resources are effectively utilized and that there is a unified approach to tackling healthcare challenges.

The development of NAUTH, he said, exemplifies those principles, showcasing the power of strategic thinking and partnerships through a 10-year development plan aimed at positioning the institutions to be among the top three health facilities in Nigeria by 2030.

He said the remarkable progress at NAUTH has been significantly catalyzed by the visionary leadership of President Bola Tinubu and the Honorable Coordinating Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Prof Pate.

He noted that their unwavering support and strategic direction have been instrumental in fostering an environment where ambitious projects like the NAUTH permanent site can flourish. He said their commitment to healthcare excellence, in line with the Renewed Hope Agenda, has provided the necessary impetus for transformative initiatives.

He quoted Simon Sinek as saying that leadership is not about being in charge, that it is about taking care of those in your charge.

He explained that this philosophy resonates deeply with the leadership shown by President Tinubu and Hon. Pate, whose guidance has empowered institutions like NAUTH to strive for excellence.

He noted that government’s whole-of-society approach has fostered an environment where public and private sectors collaborate effectively to achieve common goals.

Prof Ugboaja said his administration believes in boosting quality healthcare through collaborative funding and insurance coverage

The improvements at NAUTH, he explained, are part of a broader strategy to boost quality healthcare across Nigeria. The Federal Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (FMOHSW), along with its partners, is ramping up funding and extending health insurance coverage through the Basic Health Care Provision Fund (BHCPF).

He said this initiative aims to strengthen Primary Health Care (PHC) systems nationwide, ensuring that even the most remote communities have access to essential health services.

He he told journalists that the expertise and advanced facilities at NAUTH and other secondary and tertiary care centers will greatly benefit PHCs by providing a referral network that ensures continuity of care.

He said patients can receive primary care at local health centers and be referred to specialized facilities like NAUTH for more complex treatments. This integrated approach, according to him, enhances the overall healthcare delivery system, ensuring that all Nigerians receive the care they need.

Prof Ugboaja told members of the press that the commissioning of the NAUTH permanent site is not just a celebration of past accomplishments but a reaffirmation of his administration’s commitment to a brighter future for healthcare in Anambra State and Nigeria at large.

“As we look to the future, it is clear that challenges remain that will require even more robust collaboration. Continued efforts are necessary to ensure that every Nigerian has access to quality health services.

“While Nigeria may be navigating through challenging times, the focus on healthcare transformation is a beacon of hope. Beginning with improving health is indeed the right path, as health is wealth. With collective effort and unwavering resolve, there is confidence that we can build a better country for future generations.

“The Hon Minister has declared that our commitment to health is our commitment to our people. He noted that healthcare transcends politics and unites us all in a common goal: to ensure the best possible health outcomes for every Nigerian, saying that investing in health is investing in the future of Nigeria, ”Prof Ugboaja added.

He  appreciates President Tinubu; Hon Coordinating Minister for Health and Social Welfare, Prof Pate, among others for all they have been doing for the health sector in Nigeria, for renewing the hope of the masses in the public health sector in Nigeria and for always carrying everybody along.

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