PFN commends Gov Soludo on burial law implementation

By Vincent C. Ugboma

In recent times, the issue of lavish and extended burial ceremonies has been a subject of concern in various communities of Anambra State and that prompted His Excellency, Governor Charles Soludo to introduce and enforce a burial law aimed at fostering simplicity and dignity in the farewell process.

The Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) has notably been supportive of this initiative, citing its own longstanding practice of conducting burials within a single day.

PFN has been an advocate of a more restrained approach to burials. The new burial law in Anambra State aligns with PFN’s principles and doctrine which emphasize that the focus should be on celebrating the life of the departed rather than engaging in ostentatious display of wealth during the mourning period.

The decision to limit burials to a single day is a commendable step towards curbing excesses and fostering a more rational approach to funeral ceremonies. PFN, having practiced this approach for an extended period, sees this move by Governor Soludo as a positive reawakening of values that prioritize the living over extravagant displays of wealth.

We acknowledge that the essence of honoring the departed lies in the love and care shown to them while alive. Rather than channeling resources into elaborate funeral ceremonies, the emphasis should be on celebrating the positive impact the individual had on the community during their lifetime.

Governor Soludo’s decision to implement this burial law reflects a broader societal shift towards simplicity, humility, and a more compassionate outlook on death.

By limiting the duration of burial ceremonies, the government seeks to redirect attention towards the deceased’s legacy and the positive contributions they made during their time on earth.

In conclusion, we once again commend His Excellency, Governor Soludo for his value imbuing thinking approach to burial ceremonies. This move represents a positive shift towards a more considerate and part of value discovery society, recognizing that the true measure of a person’s worth lies in the impact they had on the lives of others while alive.The value of this burial law is ground-breaking.

Vincent C.Ugboma is the Media Director, PFN, Anambra State.

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