Anambra LGA elections: I’m coming to change Ayamelum narratives as Executive Chairman with quality governance

Hon Chukwunwike George Ewulum (Chief Nwachinemelu)

As Local Government elections in Anambra State gather momentum, Ayamelum has been identified as one of the lucky Council Areas in the State where a young, vibrant, resourceful and educated contender has emerged to offer quality governance to his people at the third tier level.

Hon Chukwunwike George Ewulum, who is seeking the mandate of his people to pilot the affairs of Ayamelum Local Government Area as an Executive Chairman under the platform of Young Progressives Party (YPP) has come up with well articulated 12-point agenda to ensure that every area of life is touched positively.

He anchored his manifesto on liberating mankind through quality leadership.

Ewulum has always begun all he does with the acknowledgement of God’s guidance and presence. He said by the grace and direction of God that he would make Ayamelum the most secured place to live in, so much so that there would be zero tolerance to all terrorists and criminal elements .

He assured that residents could move at night freely in Ayamelum even after midnight, a return of night life without fear of molestation of any kind.

Hon Ewulum disclosed that he attached primary importance to unification of Ayamelum to bring it back to what it was in the olden days when people were their brothers keeper.

He said the peace initiative could be achieved with the engagement of peace-loving stakeholders in Ayamelum community to formulate policies and programmes including get- togethers that would unite the people once again and bring back the then olden brotherly love for which Ayamelum is known.

Having discovered that there is something in name, the in-coming Executive Chairman of Ayamelum Council Area, Ewulum, said he would initiate a move to change the name of Ayamelum to a better name as may be suggested by the people, saying that power belongs to the people and that his administration would be government of the people.

“I would change the political narratives of our time by engaging our youths in all sectors. There is no future without the youths and our future is now. The youths will be engaged one hundred percent on their own affairs especially all programmes aimed towards youth empowerment. This is why I think it wise and beneficial to our youths to contest under the platform of Young Progressives Party,(YPP)

“Women are the bedrock of every meaningful development. I will engage and empower women one hundred percent just like the youths in my leadership so as to help in decision-taking. This is in line with the saying that behind every successful government there are dedicated women.

“In area of healthcare, by virtue of our inheritance and originality in medicine and traditional gifts, I would help to harness the untapped potential in our people and use my global contact to attract world-class and medical team to Ayamelum.

“Truly, education is the key to success and quality education is the greatest tool one can possess to soar like an eagle in life.Therefore, as an academic and lover of education who has given scholarships to a number of students in Ayamelum in the time past, I will continue to give scholarships up to university level and with all my strength I will lift the quality of education far above what it’s now.

“I would kick against any “overseas mentality” “diaspora mantra” “obodo oyibo deception” because they have done us more harm than good.

” Any move or plan to make our children strangers in our own land; any sinister and clandestine plan to rob us of our God- given abundant natural resources of oil and gas will be resisted. I will battle any group that may be planning to cart away with our wealth and treasures to overseas in the name of politics etc.

“I would jump- start a programme termed “operation feed my people” where quality food items and quality edibles will be shared among people weekly.”Aguu bu oya”…”e bulu onu na -agba ava o na ada muo- muo.”

“My actions will speak louder than words here in what I would do in our agricultural sector. As an agrarian and riverine people, I would rebrand and upgrade our old and current system of agriculture to world-best-mechanized system such that we would be competing with Israel China, India and America in the area of agriculture.

“I will organize programmes and workshops that will help us fine- tune our cultural heritage and I will package powerful cultural programmes of Ayamelum people that will depict whom we are.

“All roads in Ayamelum must wear new looks.By all means I would ensure that quality and durable road construction projects are executed speedily across Ayamelum.

“Ive oma a – na a solo anyi nso ummunnem”! Above all, we must light up our own one hundred percent rural electrification and portable water supply, “he concluded.

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